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Los Angeles, CA, United States
c'est la vie.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Black Kids/Mates of State @ The Glass House (04-24-09)

three things come out of the city of Pomona, California..two of which involve something i have no idea about so we won't go there but the third is culture (music + art)..its not that surprising that the fifth largest city in Los Angeles County they're bound to have a music scene. Tom Waits, Rozz Williams, Snoop Dogg, and a handful of pornstars were born in Pomona. So it's fitting that The Glass House exists. an all ages music venue which if you can't get a ticket to a much anticipated/hyped sold out concert in the city of los angeles mostly like they'll play a night before/after the concert in los angeles. if you haven't guessed it already this was my first visit (and not the last) to The Glass House. the sound/space is worth the drive (and if the driving conversation/playlist is carefully thought out it's a win-win situation (at least it was for me). Black Kids/Mates of State both have become a must listen to for my morning commute to work along with airborne toxic event, lily allen, ida maria, girl talk, mando diao, the distillers, yelle (one or two songs from each artist usually gets me to wilshire/masselin with a smile). Black Kids: no, i'm not racist that's the name of the group...first blew my mind at lolla 2008 in chicago...about seventy five percent of the bands i saw were a first for me and to my surprise were rather gentle and i enjoyed rather thoroughly. black kids among my favorites that weekend

a can't honestly say that i remember such a performance because that's rather personal but i remember their name however, their studio album didn't hook me so i only had a vague memory of their lolla show. until the glass house. it clicked all over again. their music is catchy and these "kids" makes it all so fun. consider yourself soul-less if you can't get into it...
as for mates of state a coworker of mine says they sound the same as they did ten years ago...i don't know how i should take that because i really enjoy them (maybe i'm so ten years ago)
apparently they were at lolla 2008 as well (must have missed them)

tangent: i really loved Lollapalooza 2008. as for 2009 - TBD.

mates of state - who doesn't love a husband/wife tag team duo? i hope it works out because they make great music together.

btw the late night taco run after coming from the glass house is ALWAYS a good time. my recommendation: machos tacos.

enjoy the music.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stereo Total @ The El Rey Theater (April 04, 2009)

two years ago i was minding my own business and invited myself to see stereo total at the el rey. i had not known of stereo total prior to this chance moment bit i figured it was testament to one's character what kind of music one goes to see live. before this chance i had based my (at this time) acquaintance's character solely on first impressions and rumors. and since i had not heard of any rumors of this new friend i figured i'd go to a concert with him to try to get to know him just a little better. so i was introduced to stereo total. think german and french cultures collided and burst into something that will be best understood by a live performance. that was two years ago. cut to: present day. it was still that same experience plus a distinct french smell (or at least a distinct smell omitting from the two persons in front of us or were waving their arms "like they just don't care..but they're having a good time and i can't hate the player maybe just the game). at the time i was their new number one fan but after this recent show i can best no explain stereo total in three simple words: "um," "eh," and "sure." don't get me wrong i will still listen to their rockabilly inspired electronic rock music because i love it but i will have to think twice and and maybe a third time to convince me to go again...unless, they have a new album out. but after two years you'd think they would have done that (unless they've been too busy to do otherwise like jet setting around the world spreading their love). HOWEVER, the night was not a total bust. Four words: LESLIE AND THE LY'S. lets hope their next tour they'll be headlining because they stole the show. if you're not yet a facebook friend to Leslie Hall or not a part of the mobile museum of gem sweaters, grab a pair of clean undergarments and your passport and they'll take you on a fun filled ride. probably not totally necessary but you'll have a great time at their show. the december issue of Psychology Today explains the idea of Living in the Moment. Leslie and Ly's own it. genius hyphen funny. if you're having a terrible day listen to the lyrics and electro-rock beats and you'll finally understand what it means to live the dream...

enjoy the music.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gillian Welch & David Rawlings @ Largo (March 31, 2009)

Where to I begin? if you're lucky enough you'll come across a musician or an ensemble that normally would not be a part of your usual genre of music that rips through your body and finds a permanent place in your soul. Welch and Rawlings (+ Guests) have that kind of approach. it's what dr. pepper did to my coca cola and since then i cannot live without it. not to say that i need it everyday to function as a "normal" human being but when i'm in the mood for just down right good music i will now go for welch and rawlings. Any aspirations to play the acoustic guitar (like that of Welch and/or Rawlings) has gone out the window crossed the street to the nearest post office got a passport applied for a tourist visa received the appropriate vaccinations and went to some exotic foreign nation in which has no public irrigation water system (if you know anything about me this is one of my limitations as a world traveler..i just can't get comfortable enough for when number two is calling). by the way that was a compliment of their talents and they should never be associated to poo in any form or another. i'm just saying how amazing their guitar playing skills are that's it's beyond my reach (at this moment anyway) in any event it was an amazing experience. if you haven't been to the largo its what i imagine what concert going use to be like in vaudeville times. you sit down and enjoy the show. nothing to distract you (in the form of glow sticks and a steady stench of bud) nothing to "enhance" (in the form of alcohol)the show. their abilities and music accomplishes that already. the largo is a small quaint theater that conjures up fond memories at your "grandmother's home." still, the largo and subsequently the artists who perform there are an emergence between environment and artist to create the concert experience. which rarely occurs, at least in this money-making scheme that calls itself the american music industry (at least in my humbled opinion). as for welch and rawlings their blue-grass, americana, folk music (think "O Brother, Where Art Thou?) is history in a show without boring you to tears unless your a.d.d. gets the better of you (and if that's the case you should just walk to norms and order yourself the steak dinner because you just don't open yourself to music and will never understand what that really means). i could ramble on if i haven't already needless to say Gillian Welch and David Rawlings have made "the list."

enjoy the music.