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Los Angeles, CA, United States
c'est la vie.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stereo Total @ The El Rey Theater (April 04, 2009)

two years ago i was minding my own business and invited myself to see stereo total at the el rey. i had not known of stereo total prior to this chance moment bit i figured it was testament to one's character what kind of music one goes to see live. before this chance i had based my (at this time) acquaintance's character solely on first impressions and rumors. and since i had not heard of any rumors of this new friend i figured i'd go to a concert with him to try to get to know him just a little better. so i was introduced to stereo total. think german and french cultures collided and burst into something that will be best understood by a live performance. that was two years ago. cut to: present day. it was still that same experience plus a distinct french smell (or at least a distinct smell omitting from the two persons in front of us or were waving their arms "like they just don't care..but they're having a good time and i can't hate the player maybe just the game). at the time i was their new number one fan but after this recent show i can best no explain stereo total in three simple words: "um," "eh," and "sure." don't get me wrong i will still listen to their rockabilly inspired electronic rock music because i love it but i will have to think twice and and maybe a third time to convince me to go again...unless, they have a new album out. but after two years you'd think they would have done that (unless they've been too busy to do otherwise like jet setting around the world spreading their love). HOWEVER, the night was not a total bust. Four words: LESLIE AND THE LY'S. lets hope their next tour they'll be headlining because they stole the show. if you're not yet a facebook friend to Leslie Hall or not a part of the mobile museum of gem sweaters, grab a pair of clean undergarments and your passport and they'll take you on a fun filled ride. probably not totally necessary but you'll have a great time at their show. the december issue of Psychology Today explains the idea of Living in the Moment. Leslie and Ly's own it. genius hyphen funny. if you're having a terrible day listen to the lyrics and electro-rock beats and you'll finally understand what it means to live the dream...

enjoy the music.

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