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Los Angeles, CA, United States
c'est la vie.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010 Resolution: 2. Learn the Uke.

my left hand finger tips hurt...a ouch s ouch d ouch f first song that i want to learn is a goody: I'll Follow the Sun by The Beatles. so far my introduction to ukulele learning is on the internets and it has helped..maybe tomorrow i'll walk to my local library and check out a book (unless there's a chance of rain). along with the online intro youtube have a great selection of ukulele musicians including but not limited to SoElusiveMe she brings the kinda ironic joy to ukulele playing with a bit of sarcasm tone in the end of each song. maybe someday SoElusiveMe will become SoElusiveMeandI...sounds like a good band name? maybe not. when i younger i dread having to practice the piano. which i now regret i didn't. but the uke has given me a second chance. it's a bit frustrating because i can't feel my finger tips. and remembering the chords are a bit of a challenge (note to self: probably not a good idea to practice after an saturday evening out and about but as soon as i got home i picked it up and started practicing...couldn't say anything in a while has had that power over me).

ten minutes later...

alright. i just finished playing Amazing Grace. i didn't realize (unless i did just didn't want to admit it) but there's a lot of singing involved with the ukulele. Wanted: singer to accompany my ukulele.

enjoy the music.

**update: i didn't go to the library. it didn't rain i was just lazy.

enjoy the music.

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